These are such cool looking shoes that exist somewhere in between classy high-top sneakers and boots. They're cut and shaped in a similar way to many sneakers, but they have some unique touches that make them stand out by far. For one, they're made of shiny, polished leather. The one I got has a dark colored area on the upper part close to the foot opening. It seems to be suede, but I can't be sure whether it's natural or manufactured. The whole thing feels high quality while still maintaining a fairly light weight. Also, there's some uniqueness to the overall design thanks to an extra leather patch that covers part of the front of the shoe. It doesn't really serve any particular purpose and is only there to add some creative style to it. The first day I wore these, I got a number of compliments, so that says something about their appearance.In addition to looking very cool, these are comfortable to wear. They're light, they have sufficient cushion, and they're sized just right. Overall, a great pair of shoes that can be kind of casual and fun or at least dressy enough for business casual.***I write reviews as a hobby because I love trying out electronics, clothing, household products, kitchen devices, and more. My hope is that my review will guide you to make a more informed choice about whether or not to make a purchase. If this review helped you in your decision-making today, please let me know with a helpful vote. Have a great day!***