This is a good product and for the amount of water it is designed to purify the price is good. One problem, it can double (or more) the amount stated on the bottle. I used a little more than recommended, about 5% more, and thought I had it covered. My fish continued to be stressed and some of them eventually died of unknown causes after months of battling an unknown problem that didn't appear to be a known disease. Problem? There is a lot of chlorine in the water. I found (after purchasing a chlorine test kit) that this product leaves a lot of chlorine in the pond and actually burns my fish from the inside out. Only use with an accurate (you need one that tests for trace amounts of chlorine, small amounts are fatal) chlorine test kit. There is nothing unusual about my water, in fact half of the entire pond was reverse osmosis water, so it should have had a lot less chloramine than regular tap water to begin with. I've lost a lot of large koi (and huge amounts of money on unnecessary medication - at least $800) assuming this product was dosed correctly, but it was NOT. I've found that standard aquarium chlorine tests only measure large amounts, levels that can still harm fish are outside the testing range, so I wonder if that's why other tests test for chlorine-free when it's actually present. Also, my water may contain more chloramines than some. So if your water is half as much as mine, the dose on the bottle is probably right for you. The only way to find out is to get a kit that will check for trace amounts to make sure you actually removed it.
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