This is a cute handbag. When I received mine, I noticed a few flaws: the gold emblem with the designer shield was upside down, and the designer logo on the bag was also upside down, at least compared to the promotional photo. The designer's name is both Charles and Ket, yes, Ket with two 'T's'. Good old designer bag from the trunk of a car lol. The bag doesn't even come close to the size shown in the promotional photos. The bag is small and can only hold a few items: wallet, cell phone, hand cream and sunglasses. Why they showed a 12 ounce water bottle I don't know because it didn't fit. Do not try to stuff the bag or the zipper will not close. I wouldn't give this bag away because I don't want my friends to disown me; However, this is a cute little handbag for special occasions only. All in all it does the job but don't let anyone get too close.
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