I bought it as I ride my bike I was looking for something small and compact and it seems to match the description. The price was reasonable and it's a cute color. The reason I wrote it does the job is because it's not the best, but it's not the worst either. Pros: It's small and compact. It's a cute shade of blue. It holds water. Cons: When you fill it with water and it expands, it doesn't have a smooth transition. You need to help him stretch a little here and there. When cycling, the grip wasn't that good. It's more like you have to stop what you're doing and have a drink, then pick it up and leave. Overall, I'm not disappointed, but I'm not overly impressed either. This is something in between. UPDATE: It's not that easy to clean. My daughter lost this bottle for almost a week and when it was found it needed a thorough cleaning. It was difficult to get to the bottom inner groove. It ended up in the trash can.
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