Ok I was skeptical when purchasing this bag. I wanted a bag that I could carry all my equipment in. I spent several hundred on a another bag . I especially liked this bag because it doesn’t look like a camera bag and has space for additional items other than camera gear. So far I’m impressed with it. I candy carry 1 camera body, Sigma 150-600, Cannon 70-200, a couple of small lens, tripod or monopod. I have space for 6 batteries, so cards. I can also on the front part keep a rain coat, snacks, other edc outdoor gear. The bag is a little heavy with all of this gear but using the waist strap helps. I like the water bottle carrier on each side of bag. The price is high for a camera bag so if your willing to spend the money for a quality bag this is definitely the one.
Canvas Camera Case Bag With Shoulder Strap For DSLR/SLR Cameras - Black, Medium Size By Evecase
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Classic Camera Bag, Evecase Large Canvas Messenger SLR/DSLR Shoulder Case With Leather Trim, Tablet Compartment And Removable Insert For Mirrorless, Micro 4/3, Compact System, High Zoom Digital Camera
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Soft Silicone AirPods Case Cover With Visible LED - Compatible With AirPod 2/1 Cases, Keychain Accessory Included - Ideal For Men, Women, Girls, And Boys - Light Pink
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Canon Nikon Sony Panasonic FujiFilm Olympus Pentax DSLR Camera Bag, Evecase Large Vintage Canvas Messenger SLR Shoulder Strap Case - Gray
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