Nice shoes. I wear Asics every day and have bought $50 sneakers in the past. These shoes are no longer made so I picked them for the color and hoping the gel would cushion. I received these shoes today and carried them around the house to break them in. The length of the shoes is true to size but the shoes are very tight. I untied the laces and felt a little better. Although the size I ordered is identical to the size of the previous 3 pairs of Asics that I've worn through completely, I suspect these shoes are either a bit tight or just need more breaking in. The padding on the bottom may take some time to adjust or shrink better to my foot. Maybe it gives me more space but at the moment they are too tight, especially in the upper part of the foot. If I had it bigger I would have bought a slightly larger size but I'm optimistic they will break. I recommend
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