These are definitely not the same quality bags that came as a sample with my new Kitchen Aid trash compactor a few months ago. I even called Whirlpool to check as the part number matches the one on their website. They fit great and the buttons keep the bag in place and avoid annoying slipping with each press. BUT every time I take the bag out to replace it there are small tears on the sides as if the plastic is stuck to something. Now I know there's nothing rough or sharp on the inner walls of the device, so I'll have to write it off as brittle plastic. This is annoying as I have to stuff the full bag into either a garbage bag or a new press bag before taking it to our local landfill. I never put food or unwashed food packaging in the appliance, but I don't have to spill anything along the way. At full price it would definitely be a no, but for $39 and free shipping I can live with that.
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