With so many counterfeit and counterfeit SD cards being sold everywhere, I double check every card I buy to make sure it's real and matches the advertised size and speed. I'm happy to report that this vendor's microSD card is genuine, its size and speed are advertised. To test the SD card I use two free and easy to use apps: SD Insight and h2testw. SD Insight is an Android app that you can download from the Play Store and run on your mobile phone or tablet. It checks the SD card's header for the manufacturer's logo and displays it - no logo means the card is not genuine. While SD Insight reports the size, it simply lists the information embedded in the header, which can be spoofed to appear larger than the actual size - it doesn't actually check the size. Therefore, we cannot rely on SD Insight for size verification. H2testw is a small Windows program that you run on your PC. There is no version for Apple. You can download it for free from the original German developer here: (.) It has an English language switch, so you don't need to speak German. H2testw actually writes a test file in each sector of the SD card and then tries to read it. If he cannot read them, then this is a phantom sector (not present). H2testw has become the gold standard for SD size testing and has actually been used in legal cases. You've been warned to be careful, and now you're armed with verification tools - use them.
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