Let me start by saying they have helped my plantar fasciitis feel so much better in a few days. One of the few methods that noticeably improves well-being. So they work. However, I have a few complaints that mitigate the whole nice feeling: 1. Why can't they get smaller? Read the reviews here to choose your "right" size. I did and they fit great (I have a 9.5 so I ordered a 10.5)2. they creak. Did it from day one. Bad enough that I have black shoes that say "ORTHAHEEL" but they also announce my entry. 3. Biggest plus: I've had these shoes for less than five months and they're already separating between the sole and the upper. I don't wear them every day because I have insoles for other shoes. My wife says I have plantar fasciitis because I always buy cheap running shoes. I don't know if she's right but these were the most expensive items I've ever bought and they lasted the least long before falling apart! I have $30 sneakers that have lasted over two years. Five months is a shame for a shoe in this price range. If I can put pictures, I will provide evidence. Hope that helps.