The bags were delivered quickly and I like them very much. The holes did not match the factory holes on the RZR 1000. I managed to line up two of these, but the third had to be fixed. car hole. They are not waterproof. They have a very good pocket zip which should keep dust and dirt out, but if the material on the outside of the bag gets wet it definitely feels like it's on the inside. I can try getting them out with duct tape to see if that helps. I'm 6ft 6 inches tall and my knee always hurts from rubbing and knocking on the door. The padding on these bags definitely helped with that. Just got back from a weekend of driving 180 miles and I had no knee pain from the door. They explained that they are trying to improve the water repellency as well as the holes and their placement. They welcomed my feedback on issues and seemed genuinely concerned. Also, they addressed the issues I had with the product and addressed them in such a way that I was happy and completely satisfied with my purchase. So the product still needs some work, ie. The holes line up better and it would be nice to have better water protection but the customer service is top notch. They genuinely care about the satisfaction of their customers and that means something to me.
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