I've used a lot of plastic bags and these are the thinnest I've seen. I mainly ship clothes and if I'm not careful I can rip the bag with my finger when packing orders. I can't imagine packing books or anything heavier than an ordinary shirt. Add some rough handling at the post office during shipping and chances are your item will arrive torn. These bags got bad reviews so I will not buy them again. On the other hand, this company is widely known for taking other people's creative ideas and using them in their products without paying any compensation or withholding any compensation if they don't agree to remain silent. and don't talk about your business practices. If you care about art and artist rights, don't buy them. These bags have two plus points: a beautiful design and adhesive tapes. But due to the fact that they are thin, easily torn and... most importantly, steal creative ideas, I will not buy them back and I will no longer recommend this product.
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