I have been working with Rapid for about 4 years now, as well as my previous employer. They are very professional and always do their best to ensure they provide high quality staff at all times without fail. We have never had an issue with service at any point during our relationship over time. The support provided is superb and I would highly recommend them (and did) prior to me starting here! There isn't really anything I dislike or can think of off hand regarding my use in them since their acquisition by Pinnacle Health Services back in 2015. If there was something specific that we needed it has been met through out the relationship so far. Have used them both as clients as well as PHS employees, but nothing comes close to Rapids level of professionalism nor does the customer experience compare all around. I like that it integrates with my Quickbooks, it gives me the ability to track all of my accounts in one place,it is also cloud-based which makes things more convenient. It can be slow at times but I haven't found anything else that isn't when using web services. My accounting department uses rapid for billing and practice management as well as payroll. The main benefit is getting everything into one place rather than having multiple systems.