Although the instructions leave a lot to be desired; With a little research and testing through fire, we were able to get things off the ground pretty quickly. We have currently used about 25 gallons and have not been disappointed. We use it in 3 ways ---- We leave out some items, we spray wood and walls with a spray gun and compressor, and we mix it with our paint and apply. Spraying is the best method, but if you are mixing paint and using a roller, be sure to use a very thick knobbed roller. This material is the consistency of water and requires a 50/50 mix with latex paint. However, not all latex colors are the same in this regard. There's one brand that we think works best. And another brand that doesn't work at all. One brand that doesn't work at all resulted in us wasting about 4 gallons of flame retardant because the paint didn't respond well to it. This is by far the best bang for your buck when it comes to fire resistance, and it's the most versatile.