Media loading error. I've been thinking about how to rate this helmet since I first used it. I cleared bushes and used it with my chainsaw, wood chipper and log splitter. I had no problem with anything not piercing either the helmet or the visor, but to my knowledge I didn't hit anything in either. The helmet is stiff but not as harsh to the touch as some other helmets I've seen. I'm sure commercial lumberjacks carry something much more durable, but for the average person at home, that's probably enough. Where it loses points from me is that it's almost impossible to wear in the middle of the day. The plastic heats up so quickly it looks like you have a stove on your head. In combination with headphones and a hard plastic visor simply unbearable. The mesh visor helps a lot, but I also know it probably won't protect you as well. Since I don't want to wear it because of that, I've settled for three stars. I also have to say that I live in South Texas. So unless you've been in a very hot environment, this might be fine. Pros: 1. It's cheap and I'm pretty sure it's durable enough for the average gardening task. With a mesh or fixed visor, you can choose between breathability and protection3. The headphones actually muffle the sound a bit, which is good for wood chippers or chainsaws. Cons: 1. The Texas sun gets unbearably hot.2. I'm sure it's not the most durable helmet you can buy. Depending on what you're doing, it might not be the best.