My wife prefers genuine leather and classic bags. Real leather lasts a long time and the classic look never goes out of style. The large Cnoles bag fits the description of what she needs in her handbag. Simple, classic look, genuine leather wallet. This is a fairly large bag measuring 14.5 inches (width) x 4.9 inches (height) 9.6 inches (9.6 inches). The strap extends nearly 10 inches from the top of the bag. In the photos, the model wears it over her shoulder, but the strap is too short to classify it as a crossbody. This is a wallet with a long handle. The main compartment closes with a zipper. The bag has two zippered compartments. One on the back of the wallet and the other in the middle of the wallet. This offers sufficient storage space for items that need to be close at hand. This will help you stay organized. There are metal feet on the bottom of the wallet. This allows you to place the handbag so that it does not come into contact with the surface it is lying on. If you are looking for a classic leather handbag, this one is worth a serious look. My wife loves it. Classic look, lots of space in the handbag, well made with very thick seams. Good price for a large leather bag.
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