These are great bits for universal use. I first bought this set a few years ago when it had different packaging and a different case for my old Dremel. Having had good results with these, I bought another set for my girlfriend to use with the Dremel 4000 I got her. These bits are made from high speed steel and are a good choice for general use. High-speed steel is a highly wear-resistant steel with good toughness and fairly good heat resistance. Offering good performance at a reasonable price, it is an excellent material for high speed applications such as rotary tool use. They are excellent for general use with materials such as wood, plastic, composites, aluminum and mild/thin steel. They have a quick start and are non-slip. They hold up well, but aren't very expensive if you break them (or you'd rather replace them than sharpen them). . I agree with others that when used with a standard drill bit, increasing the life of these bits means using the fastest speed settings and letting the speed do its job. My only complaint is that they are more prone to rusting than bits. other materials. However, this is expected with most HS steels and regularly coated with a good rust inhibitor (I use Corrosion X) and this is not a problem. I just wanted to mention this as a warning as it is very easy to prevent rust, but it is much more difficult to remove once the rust is already established. Aside from occasional use on thin mild steel, I wouldn't recommend using them for drilling steel as it will accelerate wear on the bit and can cause so much heat that the bits themselves can be damaged. I recommend using cobalt steel drill bits for this, as they are specifically designed for drilling in hard metals. All in all, this is a great little set. It's versatile, affordable, and well made.