The belt is a little rough on the back, but the front and edges are smooth. The leather is very thick, I use it as an everyday belt and I have a size 35 scrap and the 38 fits perfectly, in fact I could go smaller and the 36 would just fit. If you're using it as a gun sling rather than an everyday sling, you'll need to add a few inches. The leather is so thick that the buckle area sticks out a little, maybe 3/4 inch, but everything fits and is very easy to put on and take off, which is why I think the reviews said it didn't have a bit of extra weight in winter or anything like that . What I love about it is that the leather is obviously thick and durable, this item will last for years without replacement, and the buckle is strong too. This belt is worth the money. I could still use that with a small IWB holster and that with a pair of skinny jeans. Either way, if you're looking for a thin, lightweight belt for minimalist looks, then this isn't it. It will actually do its job and not break. It is slightly thicker than 1/4" and 1.5" wide. See photos, I have two holes left with my 35 scraps and they fit comfortably in the third hole. I wasn't paid for this review and I didn't get anything for free just in case you're wondering if the product is enough to order brown now and with the internet as it is you never know what's legit is and isn't, so I thought I'd post something I like.