After the physical hammer I'm going to make tomorrow I went back to the Revain website and then went online and put the real name of the hammer manufacturer with its number and I went to their other website. None of them made any specific claims about the magnet holding the nail or described it accurately, and neither page showed a picture of a face on a hammer. If I had seen the photo I would not have bought the hammer. I was hesitant to get the iy as it's hard to tell how different it is from a regular hammer other than the length of the handle. I also figured there couldn't be much of a difference since it and a regular hammer are very close in weight. I knew that before I bought it. I'm not thrilled with how short it is as I like it short but maybe an inch or a half longer would be ideal but I'd keep it even at that exact size but I've been through new home construction for my year Dad was a contractor/developer and he dropped me off at job sites, called the manager and told him I was with him until he picked me up. It's not that the Black Lives Matter situation happened and I'm saying that as a 65-year-old man I thought every single day of my life I never had prejudice against anyone, but after seeing all these shoes that aired on Prime, Netflix and Apple. everyone has prejudices, so I'd rather say I try to be open minded, just like my kids. So when I say that my father landed me as a slave in his jobs, I'm not comparing myself to those foolish notions of actual slaves. but my experience with hammers is extensive and I know all the differences, but I have never seen such a hammer. So if you just want a shorter handle and the rest is normal size, but has a small piece that breaks and takes away part of the hammer's striking face, and you're just using it to drive a tiny nail into drywall, then choose it. but if you plan to use this hammer and need to swing it hard be very careful because unless you are very experienced you can go down to drive a bigger nail into the wood and your punch will really get the Hitting the head of the nail with your face, just pray you don't hit the nail a little lower where the top of your face would normally hit the nail because I can't imagine what would happen if you had any force behind it and you hit a part or the whole piece is missing. I think I think the advantage of a hammer holding a magnetic nail over the disadvantage of making a mistake is too great for me to imagine.