The worst part is that nobody ever answers your inquiries when you buy from them. I'd dock points because of this, but the gadget itself is innocent. Listen up! It is September of the year 2022. Old comments have become obsolete. So. First. Euro for the stuffing fork! That is, - WORLD WIDE! That's our fork, by the way, with no converters! Second. Perfect for use with Alice. Adding it to the ecosystem was a breeze, and the smart home automatically located and linked the convector. Turns on and off and adjusts temperature without a hitch. And while talking about Alice, it can all be done with just your voice. On the other hand... Make sure you receive the correct global version and not some repackaged garbage from the vendor. In my ecosystem, all gadgets are global, not only those made in China, thus if I saw a Chinese plug after opening the package, I would demand a refund immediately. To a great extent, and even further. In my perspective, salespeople can be a bit rude. In early September of 2022, I spent 8.5 K (it was 7 K in the summer) for the most expensive model. No further money is required, either. There is no end to merchants' avarice.