I have black/silver metallic. The lower pads are made of black plastic. Depending on your choice, some designs/colors are silver on the bottom. If they are silver there is a sticker on the shoe stating that handling these boots can break if you compete hard enough. . . and wear them with pride. If you don't run a lot on concrete/tarmac, you shouldn't have too much of a problem with chips. But with black shoes there is no "processing", but the sticker is still there. I love that these shoes have a Velcro strap around the ankle. Some UA models have ankle laces, but I prefer Velcro. There is also a tight elastic band around the ankle. Depending on the size of your ankles, they may not be suitable for "thick" or "swollen" ankles. They have good cushioning on the insole with good arch support. A little heavier than some of the other boots I have but not bad. Made in Indonesia, so expensive.