As an MP3 player, the MAHDI M9 Plus offers a refreshed design with a tall 20:9 aspect ratio widescreen display (similar to most smartphones these days) and premium construction (metal and glass). For a budget audio player, it also comes with a refreshing set of features, including fun minigames, Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity (to pair with wireless headphones), voice recording, and support for almost every video/audio format under the sun! For those looking for an inexpensive, yet solid sounding and performing modern music player, this one fits the bill.More detailed observations:Pros:- Includes free earphones in the box which are better than average (constructed with metal components)= A screen protector is pre-applied, which protects the device from scratches- Touchscreen is responsive and curved at the edges; display offers great viewing angles and minimal bezels= Speaker on the player is better than expected - it gets pretty loud for quickly sharing a song with a friend, and doesn’t distort at higher volumes- Control buttons (i.e. dedicated volume keys) are responsive and easy to master; a thoughtful lock key also prevents the touchscreen from being accidentally triggered when in pockets- Automatically scales videos to fill the entire display (widescreen); makes watching short videos quite enjoyable on the device- Games (8 displayed in listing’s photos) match the titles actually found on the player! There’s a fun selection of arcade-style titles (i.e. Tetris) and puzzle games which a nice bonus to play when bored- Music player interface is slick and handles lossless audio formats (i.e. FLAC) without any issues. Furthermore, the audio quality outputted through the headphones jack is detailed and clean- Bluetooth 5.0 chip is actually even newer than what’s found on many mid-range smartphones! It means that pairing with similar Bluetooth 5 TWS earbuds offers very little latency or connectivity issues- Includes an interesting music creation app (under extra utilities), which allows for mixing and creating your own instrumental tracks- The EQ settings work well, and effectively changes the sound profile of the music being listened toCons:- Charging port is microUSB (which is fine), but USB-C would be even better- Scrolling through lists can feel a little abrupt (no animation / kinetic scrolling effect)- Photos seem to be only viewable in portrait orientation at the moment, although a nice slideshow function is providedSummary:Although MP3 players might not be as popular as they once were, users looking for a dedicated player (lighter than smartphones to carry for gym/jogging, less expensive, slightly better Hi-Fi audio quality) should take a closer look at this model. It functions well and has more attention to detail in the software and build quality than expected for sub-$40. A great value overall!
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