Bought as a Christmas present for a friend. It's a shame, I should have researched the seller more carefully beforehand. It took a few months for the product to arrive as it came straight from China and was of absolutely terrible quality. To be honest, I'm ashamed to even give. The pictures show high quality lettering, so I decided to buy from this seller, but the quality of the product received varies greatly. You are literally just sticking cheap stickers on an even cheaper hat. My worst purchase ever.
Versatile And Durable Black Nylon Webbing By SGT KNOTS: Ideal For Crafting, Marine, And Heavy-Duty Applications (1" X 50 Yds)
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11 Spikes Crampons, Upgraded Version Stainless Steel Anti-Slip, Ice Cleats Grips For Hiking Shoes And Boots, Hiking Fishing Walking Mountaineering
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Get Fit And Strong With Perantlb Outdoor Climbing Rope - Available In Multiple Lengths And 1.5'' Diameter
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Perantlb 60Ft Ninja Slackline With Zipline Slide Pully And Obstacle Course Kit - Perfect For Kids And Includes 8 Accessories, Tree Protector, And Carry Bag
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Metal Frame Night Driving Glasses For Men: BIRCEN HD Anti-Glare Night Vision Glasses For Safe Driving
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Foxelli Wading Boots: Lightweight, Rubber Sole Fly Fishing Shoes For Men - Grey
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Portzon Women'S Waist Trainer: Weight Loss, Sweat Belt, Sauna Trimmer, Tummy Toner, Lumbar Support
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Segmented Beaded Kids Jump Rope For Exercise And Outdoor Activities - Durable And Shatterproof - Easily Adjustable And Light Weight Skipping Rope For Kids
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