I've waited a few months to review this shoe to give it a fair rating. The first pair fits well, but there is more room at the top of the toe, which can happen after normal movements such as walking. B. down, leads to a strange fold. All my other shoes are a size 10 and my purchase was the same so it's not a problem. After two months, the glue that connects the sole to the rest of the material rips and the fabric separates from the sock, making you feel like your toe might pop out. These shoes have virtually no support for the foot. When you walk on small pebbles or move on the sidewalk, you feel it. The material from which the sole is made also broke quickly. I bought a second pair thinking I was being too rough with the first one and was limiting my time using them hoping to avoid the problems listed above. After 2-3 months it didn't matter. Tearing in the toe area, wrinkles, tearing of the fabric, rapid wear of the sole and glue. Two shoes with one problem. I work in information technology so I'm not overly active at work, maybe walking 1-1.5 miles a day. At home I have different shoes and sneakers. I don't attach much importance to these things. Overall Verdict: They look good but break very easily and the poor material leaves you open to a sharp object that can pierce your shoes and foot. Not good shoes.