I've spent over $$ on water shoes (designed for indoor and outdoor pool activities). My biggest complaint with most water shoes is that they are difficult to take off and/or put on when wet and put back on when wet. For the most part, the laces seemed to "get in the way" on earlier water shoes. Other designs don't stretch enough or last very long in the water. I've worn these water shoes a lot for indoor aerobic workouts and I love them! I can easily put them on when my foot is dry or wet. They are slightly larger than normal shoe size, which suits me! The lower profile helps with walking rubberized (if you want), which is also comfortable throughout the workout. I wash them after every workout, lay them out to dry and they dry pretty quickly without changing shoes. the smell. They're not tight (although not that loose (which gets dangerous) which is why I was looking for a new style in the first place.