Works great on BMW E46 front and rear hubs. Front Hubs - The hub and inner race have been removed, no 3 jaw puller is required to remove the inner race which would normally remain on the hub axle. The left and right sides were removed with the hub and entire inner ring removed. I expected the inner ring to stay on at least one side, but not in my case. Maybe I should have bought lottery tickets too. Rear Hubs - used to slide the rear axle through the hub (removing the axle) then the next step was to remove the hub itself which required a bearing cage as the axle was removed and nothing for the tool. Press. Worked like a champ. On the E46 330CI, the teeth on the rear axle are stuck. I saw a DIY video where the axle can be removed by hand for the E46 325i. The 330CiUpdate is different: You need a 32mm wrench to turn the screw. I had to bring the screw to Home Depot to find the right size. I hope this saves someone a trip to the store.
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