Well that seems like a very good thread. I've used it on several projects, my machine handles it pretty well. But as the saying goes, the devil is in the detail. There is another thread supplier that charges a dollar or two more and pays great attention to detail. The brothread color numbers are printed on paper which is VERY EASILY lost, the other type has them printed directly onto the spool. How to find out which stream to use or rearrange if the number is missing. Pull and pull the ends, with brothread I had to cut the knot every time, never had a problem. Brothread went online with no color chart, couldn't even find the website. There are no problems with others, the diagram is attached to the order, a beautiful site. Another guy is giving a freebie. Hey, who doesn't love freebies. Would I buy this thread again, probably not, it's a good thread but the details are important.
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