This is the third bag insert I've ordered online. I only ordered this because it is very thin and HIGH at the same time. At the same time, all other brands were very broad and only seemed to be for gym bags or children's bags. I mean, NO WOMAN carries nearly a 6 inch bag on a daily basis! at the very bottom of the pocket, but some are so stiff that they don't have "give" at the top of the pocket where things are much thinner than at the bottom. Again, that's why I ordered these. TROUBLE is so thin and fragile that it doesn't add any structure to my leather wallets. I wanted it to be likable, but it needs to be thicker (more rigid) because the sides of the ones that arrived are curved, and that's not how this seat itself is shaped. For a cheap canvas bag, yes, maybe there's more structure, but if you have a huge leather bag that's already a bit flimsy because the leather is heavy, then you'll need something thicker to hold the leather (see another one that I ordered shows how much thicker another brand makes these and with lots of pockets both inside and outside.) Also there are 3 inside pockets that don't even have a bottom but the other pockets on the other inside have a bottom. The whole point of using a pocket organizer is knowing your stuff won't fall out and slide onto the floor, so I'm not sure why they have 3 internal bottomless pockets. This might work great for handles that tend to "snap" onto something and not move, but don't know what else to do when they can't hold the product. Finally, there is an inner pocket, which is still not wide enough for an iPad mini. I am waiting for another one exactly the same from another seller to see if they are thicker and stronger but right now at $11.99 they are significantly cheaper than $18.99 like this one so let's see who does Race wins and which one I'll be back.
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