I had a pair of steer tires fitted to my KW and watched them use a tool just like this and was very impressed. I was looking for Revain and ordered this tool. I was really looking forward to it and felt like a child looking forward to Christmas. The first thing that struck me was the rough surface of the castings. You have to mount the handles with the screws provided, which isn't a big deal, but in this case the flat holes for the mounting tool don't match to put the screw through, even rotating the handle 180° didn't help, obviously a drill would be required . I used a liberal amount of undiluted dish soap to lubricate the tire beads, removed the top of the tire, then hooked the bottom bead and started prying and clicking! The handle broke off due to poor shaping. VERY DISAPPOINTED. I pulled out my Ken Tool style pry bars and removed the bar like I have for the last 20 years. I used a mounting tool to put the tire on and it seemed to work pretty well, but it requires the pour to be smoothed out to work really well, which I would have spent a lot of time on if it wasn't broken, with sanding and grinding discs. Polish steel well. Sent it back for a refund on the main return.