Canon EF-S 24mm f/2.8 STM lens, black Review
Very good

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Description of Canon EF-S 24mm f/2.8 STM lens, black
- ✦Size and weight. After the giant whale 18-135 this is felt especially strongly. ✦Autofocus is fast, quiet, even at dusk the lens almost "does not crawl". ✦ Convenient FR on the crop, I use it for everyday wear. ✦ The minimum focusing distance is 16cm! ✦Colors betray quite well.
- Not very sharp, but for such a price it is simply a sin to complain. Vignetting wide open. HA are present, but for the PFR this is a completely normal story.
- Very cool, clear and sharp. 6400 ISO on 700 is cool!
- Why does everyone write that lathers around the edges - This lens, like all wide-angle ones (IMHO experience of use has shown), cannot be checked for sharpness by taking a picture of a sheet with a scale or a newspaper from a distance of 20cm. A sheet of A4 just fits entirely from a distance of 20 cm. The lens was not created for macro - it is moderately wide-angle ! Half-length, full-length portraits and landscapes is his task Although it is written on it that it focuses from 16 cm and you can really shoot macro from 16 cm, good sharpness at the edges starts from a shooting distance of more than 50 cm. Hence all the negative impressions of unsharp edges. Remove the poster from a distance of a meter and check. Everything is clear and sharp, even in the open. Up to 50 cm - really soap in the corners
- Compact and lightweight design, making it easy to carry around
- Some photographers may find the fixed focal length limiting for certain types of photography
- Light weight and size, good aperture.
- Yes, what are the disadvantages? He is one of the simplest, so there were no high expectations.
- Lightweight, light.
- Autofocus is slow and sometimes misses, you need to keep a close eye on this.