Slightly "raw", but more or less stable firmware 1.05 at the moment (June 2022), glitches rarely happened, for example, there could be light / darkening on the screen floor for a second, sometimes several times for several times. minutes. I did not catch the pattern of their appearance. Later glitches disappeared, no longer observed.
Noisy, especially if hanging overhead.
Blacks in dark scenes are not quite black, there is some light, especially in "Cinema" mode (*the main, "correct" mode in SDR). In bright images, due to the contrast, black looks very good.
I am very worried about the lamp life and subsequent replacement (until there was experience), it is not known how long the DMD chip will last. High risk of failure in case of accidental disconnection from the power supply (fans stop), dustiness, insufficient cooling, etc. By the way, there are no dust filters, it is not known how soon it will become clogged with dust inside. Mechanical parts, speeds - not very good, but it all depends on the quality.
A 2-year warranty is not much, and even then, only when buying from an authorized seller, acc. price.
No automated lens settings (manual mechanical adjustment).
Weak, simplified software functionality, incl. built-in player (You can finish a little manually).
Lens shift (image) - only 10% vertically (but at least it is).
To protect the lens after turning off, a cap on a string is provided)