DigiMAINT is a web-based civil/commercial aviation maintenance management system designed for aircraft operators, maintenance facilities and stock distributors that provides control over facets of your operation including technical records, stock control, and more.
We like it best because we can see everything about each airplane before purchasing them; this helps us to avoid buying used planes with damages or other issues in order not lose our money as well have problems after using those plane once again! Nothing negative at all yet!! I recommend doing AAR surveys so you know what kind of airplanes works better than others (which ones are easy to maintain / which one's could need some improvements). It really helpful when making decision between…
I like the fact it is easy to use and that it is easy to learn
We also had issues with the tool not being available on some of our aircrafts and the only work order
I like how it's easy to use from both an airplane or mobile device! It has many features which makes life easier when you are in need (or even just curious) about what can be tracked with this platform - things such as PTO usage; hours worked by crewmembers & employees who have access via W2W portal vs those accessing remotely through their personal computer etc., time off taken w various holidays throughout year compared against actual calendar entries kept within MAF database itself.- A…
I like how it's easy to use from both an airplane or mobile device! It has many features which makes life easier when you are in need (or even just curious) about what can be tracked with this platform things such as PTO usage; hours worked by crewmembers & employees who have access via W2W portal vs those accessing
The best thing about this software so far has been its simplicity to use! I am able to quickly navigate through all my inventory without having any issues at all with it crashing or freezing up etc.. It can be used both online as well offline which i find very convenient!! Not many things really but if you do have an issue just contact their support team who are always willing to help no matter what time zone they're in (which makes them super helpful). Having some simple functionality like…
It has all my information stored right where I need it at all times
Nothing really, everything works great and is very easy to use