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Revainrating 5 out of 5

Great first bike for my opinion

We bought our daughter this balance bike for her second birthday. It lived up to our expectations. My husband put it together easily, and my daughter has a blast on it! It's lightweight enough that she can pick it up on her own.

  • Comfort & Safety Airless Tires: The tires are made of EVA polymer foam, to be free of maintenance and puncture-proof and provide a smooth riding.
  • Poor customer service from the manufacturer

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Excellent Customer Service

Oh my goodness! What a great company. My older son (10) sat on the bike and broke the back wheel within a week of us getting the bike, and after inquiring just about a new back tire, they sent us an entire new bike!It is the perfect height for my 3 year old. It’s super lightweight and easy to lug back home after he gets tired or changes his mind (haha). Love it! And great for the price.

  • The bikes are designed to be comfortable for hours of riding
  • Can be too tall or too heavy for younger kids to ride

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Not impressed good for me

Bought this for my grandson, and he wants to know where are the peddles. He even reminded us that he already has a scooter. He's right. Riding a scooter also teaches a child how to balance. My dad taught me how to ride my bike by riding it like a scooter, and when it looked like I was able to maintain my balance, he told me to peddle, and it worked. I learned to ride my two wheeler in about an hour. In my defense, my daughter pressed on me to buy this peddleless bike. But my grandson is not…

  • Balance bikes can be used both indoors and outdoors
  • Difficult to teach older kids how to ride a real bike because of its design

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Good Quality Bike - my new review

Simple assembly. Built in about 15 minutes, start to finish. Decals on the main body were wrinkled/damaged out of the box, so we decided to remove them altogether. The grip pads on the foot rests are also not well secured so those also may need to be glued down later. Overall, sturdy balance bike and made my daughter very happy to receive for Christmas!

  • The simplicity of the bike promotes creativity and imaginative play
  • Some parents have reported difficulty with the bike folding for storage or transport

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Love this balance bike!

This bike has been perfect for my three and four year olds! It’s very light weight. They have both learned to balance so well with this bike!

  • They are much easier to transport than traditional bikes
  • No warranty offered

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Great Balance Bike on my review.

The boys love their new balance bikes. Was easy to put together and seems to be as sturdy as the strider. They haven't used them long but so far so good.

  • Balance bikes teach kids important balance and coordination skills
  • Slow delivery time

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Sturdy bike with non-inflated tires.

Sturdy little bike- perfect size for both our 3 and 5 year old with adjustable seats. Did not like that the tires were not inflatable.

  • The bike is made from high-quality materials that will withstand heavy use
  • Doesn't have a kickstand, making it difficult to store

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Great way to get outside

I bought this for my 2-year old son and he loves it! Make sure you read the directions when putting it together, otherwise it was super easy. Currently, my son is just walking while holding it, but he’s starting to glide a little. Great purchase, lots of outside fun!

  • The bikes come in two different sizes to fit a wide range of ages
  • Unreliable and prone to breaking down

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Good value for the $

We found the bike easy to unpack and assemble. The instructions (photos mostly) were good enough for us. Comments have mentioned the composition of the tires. They are made of a dense, sturdy material. Our kid weights 31 pounds thus we have no concerns about sturdiness. The bike is built for toddlers/young children. The price is reasonable. We can modify this if anything should change.

  • Learning to ride a bike will give kids a sense of independence and freedom
  • Pedals would have been a welcome feature for older children

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Great bike to start learning on for the price.

I think it's actually quite nice for the price. Pretty much any child's bike will have plastic wheels and these are no different. The tires are rubber. Add a little White Lithium Grease to the axles and they roll smooth. Over, not bad

  • The bikes encourage kids to explore their surroundings
  • Footrest is not adjustable and can't be removed