Description of SyncWords
SyncWords is at the forefront of captioning and subtitling automation for both real-time and pre-recorded content. We bring together experts from the broadcast, machine learning, and web design fields to create truly unique and innovative products.
We use advanced artificial intelligence and automation, developed in-house, in all aspects of the captioning process.
SyncWords' goal is to continue innovating its technology, tools and automation to create captions and subtitles with higher quality at more affordable prices, and accessible to all users. We get great satisfaction when customers are able to produce huge cost-savings and efficiencies in their processes.
Our solutions:
Live Subtitles for Meetings - Deliver real-time captions to online meeting and streaming services
Live Captions for Event Producers - Deliver real-time captions to live events
Live Subtitles for OTT & Broadcast - Deliver subtitled programs in 100+ languages around the world
Caption Media - Create high-quality captions quickly and affordably using industry-leading AI
Transcribe Media - Create captions without a transcript. Human & ASR options available
Translation & Subtitles - Translate captions & create subtitles in 100+ languages