Very good quality handle with a perfect wedge to hold the head firmly. Nothing beats the feel of wood in your hand versus new synthetic trash that has no soul. The hammer is now good for another 20 years of service! IMHO this pen is more powerful than the original. At best, this is a lifetime pen!
My model 99 hammer handle snapped and it was about time. I like the long handle, like carcass hammers, but don't like the extra weight. When the grip was replaced it was a model 999 grip. It hits like a big hammer and still doesn't hurt my elbow too much. Just as cute as the regular 99 but more welcoming.
Very good quality handle with a perfect wedge to hold the head in place. Nothing beats the feel of wood in your hand versus new synthetic trash that has no soul. The hammer is now good for another 20 years of use! IMHO this pen is more powerful than the original. At best, this is a lifetime pen!
Excellent OEM grip. Improved texture and grain orientation than stock or other Vaughan Series 9 Hammer Grips (#9, #99 and #999M) that I own. I inherited #999 from my dad and it was originally the shorter handle version he used as a roofer in California in his 20's. The 40+ year old head with a new longer and better grip is now one of my favorite instruments. The best leverage for powerful shots and the head is made from perfectly hardened carbon steel they just don't use anymore. Covered with…