My 1.58 BTC (Bitcoin) savings/balance at the Investfeed brokerage company was transferred to BLOCKCHAIN for transfer to me, I had to pay 5% due to the new crypto tax in Turkey, with a document with BLOCKCHAIN letterhead and CEO & Co-Funder Peter Smith signed on 24/05/2021. I was informed that my account will be transferred to my address within 24 hours. I made the payment as 0.7830252 BTC, which is 5% of my 1.58 BTC balance, with PARIBU on 10/06/2021. During the transfer, I was told that I had to pay 40 000 TL more than a national wallet and that the transfer would take place within 10 minutes without any interruption. I made this payment (0.1168924 BTC) on 14/06/2021 in order to make transactions easy and fast. Afterwards, it is said that the crypto tax in Turkey is 40% and I have to complete it. My Investfeed company account has been blocked. I am currently unable to access my account. I have paid more than the specified (5%) payment. I am threatened with blocking my Account if 40% payment is not completed. My Blockchain account was also not accessed and still does not exist. It is said that we only do the transfer process. I had to use a bank loan while making my payments. There are crypto addresses that I transfer as a payment document. I've been hurt a lot and I'm waiting for a solution. Respects.