I've been using these sensors for about a year. I mount them outside on fence posts and trees. They are connected to my Homeseer home automation system via Hubitat home automation. Zigbee motion sensors and easy connection to Hubitat hub. My wife has a huge amount of plants in her garden and we use motion sensors to detect deer coming into the garden at night to eat her plants. Homeseer sends a voice prompt through Google Home where the sensor is detected. (The dog is dying to hear the announcement and jumps out, ready to be chased). The sensors work very well at detecting deer, the only issue would be if a car drives by as others have mentioned or if it's too windy. We had the option of turning the sensors away from the road to solve the headlight problem, but when it's too windy and the branches and trees are swaying, we have to turn off the automation. Direct sunlight also gives false alarms, but we don't use motion sensors during the day. Sensors certainly work well at detecting people, dogs, and other vermin. The sensor also provides temperature and lux readings. The temperature seems to be accurate to within a few degrees most of the time. I don't use lux measurement and have reduced the reporting to 500 lux. I have used the motion sensitivity settings from the Hubitat devices toolbar and there seems to be a difference. All 6 of my sensors worked without failure for about a year. I think it's a good outdoor product if you can avoid direct sunlight and car headlights.
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