This flash is the most complete flash I have ever owned for a camera. The powerful output offers enough light for most enthusiasts and works great in combination with other flashes, even if they are not Nikon CLS compatible. I'm syncing a 400WS Studio All-in-One with an SB-800 because my camera doesn't have a PC sync port and it works fine, although I want the All-in-One to work. In true NIkon fashion, this flash does it all for you or lets you control everything manually up to a power of 1/128. Also works very well with the Nikon SC-29 Off-Cable which includes focus lamps on the hot shoe mount to allow your camera to focus effectively in low light. I use the SC-29 to keep the flash off the camera 99% of the time, and it allows me to hold the SB-800 behind the diffuser screen with one hand while shooting with the other - a great effect for a little lightning. how is it. Can be recycled quickly and uses energy efficiently, which means the batteries last longer than other flashes (thanks to the combination of iTTL metering and zoom function). You won't be disappointed with the SB-800.