My old doorbell wire broke somewhere. This one just has a device that plugs in, and produces the actual chime, communicating wirelessly with the doorbell button mounted outside. Outside comes with a flat watch battery that I assume will last a reasonable amount of time. Mounting is easy enough. The feature of multiple doorbell sounds is just a dumb thing -- none are ones you would ever want to use other than the default "ding dong ding dong" bell sound. There's no ability to change the volume, which is slightly annoying.
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Wireless Electronic Ballast Interface Certified
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⚡️ Sunpark LC-12014T (1) FC12T9 32W Circline (1) 2D 38W (1) FC16T9 40W Circline (1) FC9T9 30W Circline Lamp Compact Electronic Fluorescent Ballast with Circline Lamp Plug 120V
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