I started using this toothpaste after I had a toothache. I haven't been to the dentist in 10 years because I'm an anxious person, but after a year of toothpaste the pain is gone. I recently went to the dentist and they said my mouth is in excellent condition. I had no tooth decay, no tartar, no gingivitis. I attribute the health to this toothpaste, as well as the gum mastic and low-grain diet. Here's the only small issue I have with toothpaste that I take 100% responsibility for. I'm not used to rinsing my mouth out after brushing my teeth. I never use fluoride toothpaste so I figured I didn't need it. YOU HAVE TO RINSE YOUR MOUTH WITH THIS TOOTHPASTE OR YOU WILL GET SMELLY, INAPPROPRIATE TONGLASS STONES. I never had tonsil stones before I started using Boca and the stones went away after I took a break from this toothpaste. I use it again and rinse my mouth well and so far I have no stones.
Biorepair: Быстрый Чувствительный Ремонт Зубная паста с микроРемонтом - 2,5 жидких унций (75 мл) Тюбик (2 штуки) [Импорт из Италии]
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