For over a year and a half, I agonized over which product to buy. I researched numerous options from various manufacturers, read countless reviews, and yet couldn't commit to a final decision. Robots, perhaps? My only regret is that I waited so long to get it. With an apartment of 65 kV, it grabs the first speed for cleaning, it cleans the carpets flawlessly, and the battery hasn't run out to the level, when cleaning the entire apartment, I wholeheartedly advise every hostess of such an aid. I got it for $2,998; the nozzles put me off buying the same type again, but since it was only $9,000 more than Absolut, I figured two would be plenty. Never having used anything but a universal and crevice attachment on my old vacuum, I'm surprised at how well this one works in the car. All things considered, just take it, put it to good use, and smile.