I’ve used this for only a couple times turning trim pots and screws for circuit boards. It seems to work well. I like it! In the past, working on flat screen TVs. I would have given anything to have had this with the correct bits when I worked on my flat screen tv. There are A WHOLE LOT OF SCREWS with special sizes. It would have made my repair so much easier if I had this tool. The best part about it though is, is that you wouldn’t screw-up the screws from the movement of screwdriver use. A small wiggle can mess up the screw heads. So this is ideal to prevent screw damage. The LED lights light up your work. But if it had a choice with being able to turn on the light so that you can see your screw upon stabbing the screw with the screwdriver, would be so much better. Plus being able to see the screw type for the correct bit. But, I guess that you could engage the motor to see the type of screw for the correct choice of bit. An experienced technician would be able to tell you that you need the light to stab the screws before turning a screw.My wife was so impressed though that she bought one for her father for Fathers Day. 😊👍
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