I had a very slight water leak down the side of my engine, an early sign of head gasket wear. In just one application, Alumaseal completely sealed the entire cooling system and I haven't had a single problem since! I've driven over 15,000km since installation with no problems. After checking the engine to make sure the gasket would hold, my mechanics told me to be in perfect shape for a while. I do NOT recommend using this as a quick fix for a serious leak problem. It is extremely important to take your vehicle to a mechanic as soon as you discover a fluid leakage problem. This is a great product when you need to fix a small problem quickly.
Bar'S Leaks High Mileage Cooling System Repair, 16.9 Oz
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Bar'S Leaks High Mileage Engine Repair, 16.9 Oz
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Bar'S Leaks MS-1 Main Seal Motor Oil Leak Repair, 32 Fl. Oz
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