I ordered this power supply for Christmas RGB LED lights, there were just over a thousand LEDs so this power supply was probably too much for them, but as the saying goes, "You can't have too much" power, too much money or too much knowledge. "The fan is very loud! Capacitors are cheap Rubycom stuff.
2-Pack Power Strip Surge Protector With Wall Mounting Holes - Flat Plug Design, 5FT Cord & Multiple Outlets, Overload Surge Protection For Home And Office Use
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π‘ MEAN WELL RS-15-5: Single Output 5V 3A 15W AC to DC Power Supply - High Performance and Reliability
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Expand Your Power With The Wall Outlet Extender - Surge Protector Featuring 6 AC Outlets, Shelf, 2 USB And USB C Charging Ports - Black
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π MEAN WELL LRS-350-12 Switching Power Supply - 348W 12V Single Output for LED Projects (LRS Series 350W 12V, 29Amp)
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