Excellent tires, somewhere they write summer, somewhere all-weather. So, on the Chevy Niva, both in winter and summer, without taking off, I passed 102 t. Km. of course, it got worn out at the end, until one left for a shot, 5 people + cargo. I bought the same set and we go further. In winter, it works like Velcro, because it is soft. During the run, only one puncture was repaired, the tread is high, powerful. Suspension helps a lot that soft. Immediately 40 km. H on the curb, tram rails, pits, I don’t think it extinguishes everything. I saw everything in my tires and mud and swamps and the Crimean mountains. On the ice, it should be careful not to hold well, although foolishly and spikes will not help.
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