This is a great road shoe for those who are interested in running around town. I am a trail runner and have been using Salomon shoes for many years but have never found a proper shoe for road running. A long time ago I liked other brands of knitted sock shoes, but none of them gave me durability, driveability. Feel and last thing I was looking for and expected from my sneakers. Well, that all changed when I finally ended up in a pair of Predict Soc. You can expect these shoes to be comfortable and ready to go. The Predict Soc had little to no break-in time. I attack on the front foot and find that they handle my kick very well. Also, the design is such that the shoe adapts and really adapts as you change the angle of impact or heel strike fatigue. The knitted sock offers superior comfort and breathability, but you won't want to wear this shoe to class. outside of a run, especially where things can get caught on knitted outerwear. I have had very few frayed or pulled threads in these shoes after two months of constant use. The tread is great for the street and I've seen people call these lightweight shoes which isn't really the case but I can see and understand why and how people perceive it. The rebound is subtle, polite, responsive and not over the top. I've run in shoes that tire my feet if they bounce (thrust) too hard, but these don't. It's a great choice. However, I would suggest that runners with wide feet may not find a Salomon shoe that suits you. enough support, flexibility, rebound, breathability and durability to be your favorite shoe. As for how long they last, I've just started putting miles on them and will update this post when I reach end of life with a miles update. If you're on the fence, go for it!