Folks, I'm telling you, this is hands down the best lens. The picture is stunning, and its adaptability, high quality, and overall beauty make it the best example I've ever seen of its kind. I am required to perform a great deal of reporting in addition to photographing weddings. As a result of this Sigma, I decided to sell my Elka 24-105 lens because it was gathering dust while sitting in its case. When you reach the age of 35, you will find that it is much easier to photograph groups as well as individuals. There are some issues with the focus (in terms of accuracy). If you lock your attention just on the central point, then refrain from moving the camera in any way, you will almost certainly succeed in hitting the intended target. Aside from that, when I concentrate on extreme points, I consistently make mistakes (5d mark 3 device). This was not the case with other lenses; the peripheral points function precisely the same as the central one does. In general, I am completely unbothered by this establishment because I have grown accustomed to its quirks. About the photograph itself, I have nothing but praise for it. Get in touch with me and check out the most recent images I've taken with other people; virtually everything was filmed on it. If there is anything else, write it down, and I'll explain everything to you in greater detail! There is only one conclusion to be reached: the lens is an absolute need. And for a price like that, it's nothing short of a wonder that the planet even exists. Tremendous esteem for you, Sigma!