When it comes to pants or shorts that have cargo pockets I usually stay away in the same way I stay away from denim. I am not sure if it is just from sporting that kind of design all throughout the nineties or just a growing dislike for side pockets. I do like cargo pockets if they do not jut out in a way that makes them stand out literally. I am not the person wearing these pants in the video I have included but rather a man who knows about outdoor gear is wearing them while I film. I do jump in to point out this cargo pocket feature where the bottom part is flush with the leg while there is a bit of an extension on the side which is understandable.As for the color I love the dark green shade which is perfect for being in the woods. This man who is wearing these is a person who spends a lot of time in the southern Ohio woods so his input is relevant.We both point out the two pockets in the front which is a super neat feature I have not seen before quite like this.Being that this is an outdoor gear type of pants I suggested it may be for magazines because the other thing that comes to mind is a cell phone but why would that be on outdoor related gear and two at that. I love these two pockets and am happy hey are there.My favorite feature of this is the material which is of a grid like design that looks like there is a stitching of some sort that makes up a matrix of grids that from a web like support network covering the whole pants. These are of a baggy style though no too loose.These are super comfortable and also can be worn as casual everyday pants.In conclusion I am very happy with this and recommend it.
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