I bought this sensor to replace a previous sensor that did the same thing. Here's what it does, works well for about six months, the temperature is set to turn the aquarium heater on at 72 degrees and off at 73 degrees. The heater runs at 150 watts. About half a year later, the low temperature alarm suddenly goes off, emergency, the fish is frozen, help! Look at the immersion thermometer, it reads 78 degrees, too hot! Here's what happens, the sensor starts reading incorrectly, thinks the temperature is low, turns on the heater, the sensor doesn't register the temperature, the heater stays on, the fish dies. Luckily I learned my lesson the last time I used an old heater with a stuck thermostat. This time I had a new heater with a built in thermostat so the fish wouldn't cook even if the Inkbird got stuck again. This is the second time. The first time could have been an accident, this probe is only six months old. I'm done. I liked Inkbird because I could hang it on the wall for easy reading, but this thing bit me twice. DO NOT BUY.
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