This is my third pair of muck boots in fourteen years as they are perfect for going outside several times a day to tend to animals, water the garden, gather herbs for dinner, carry firewood to the garage or to compost far corners. Garden. My favorite feature of these Muck boots is the low profile, although my first pair was better (ie, with less profile). While there are steps involved, my goal is to limit the amount of animal poop that enters the hallway. While I tend to keep my shoes in good condition over the years, my wife is pretty strict with hers and Muck Boots gets the job done. They are also surprisingly comfortable for garden shoes. While I wouldn't recommend wearing them on a hike, they are good enough to wear all day. One improvement I was very happy with is the snug fitting cuff around the ankle. My previous pairs could have pine needles, small rocks, etc. get into my shoes, but this new pair is too tight to allow that. Overall I am very happy with my Muck Boots and have been recommending them to friends and family for many years. I should get an annual grant I think ;-)