The most useful features are the reporting and the ease of use. The interface is a bit clunky and not always user friendly. The customer support is also not always the best. The data is not always accurate. I think the product needs to be more user friendly. It is sometimes difficult to find the most current data.
It also is difficult to find the most accurate rates. It is also difficult to find the most accurate data on fuel surcharges. With the current market conditions, it is difficult toโฆ
Abilityto compare different carriers
Freight quotes from multiple sources all in one place.
Easeofuse while searchingfor competitive offers online or offline
The best part about this program is that it gives you all the information you need to make smart business decisions. It's easy for customers to use, and it has a lot of features. I like how easy it is to search through your history to find previous quotes.
Sometimes it can be difficult to navigate when searching for specific rates or dates. This program helps me keep track of my accounts receivable and make sure I'm charging enough for my services. It also allows me to send invoices toโฆ